Month: November 2015

Myanmar coordinates on Wikidata by Lockal & Widar

This entry is part 2 of 16 in the series Wikidata Map

In a recent blog post I showed the amazing apparent effect that Wikimania’s location had on the coordinate location data in Mexico on Wikidata. A comment on the post by Finn Årup Nielsen pointed out a massive increase in data in the Myanmar (Burma). I had previously spotted this increase but chosen not to mention it in the post.…

By addshore November 22, 2015 3

MediaWiki CRAP – The worst of it

I don’t mean Mediawiki is crap! The Change Risk Anti-Patterns (CRAP) Index is calculated based on the cyclomatic complexity and code coverage of a unit of code. Complex code and untested code will have a higher CRAP index compared with simple well tested code. Over the last 2 years I have been tracking the CRAP index…

By addshore November 21, 2015 0

Impact of Wikimania Mexico 2015 on Wikidata

This entry is part 1 of 16 in the series Wikidata Map

Recently Wikidata celebrated its third birthday. For the occasion I ran the map generation script that I have talked about before again to see what had changed in the geo coordinate landscape of Wikidata! I found, well, Mexico blossomed! The image to the left is from June 2015, the right October 2015 and Wikimania was…

By addshore November 21, 2015 4

Orain backups

There are more Orain backups! More recent than 15th June 2015 as stated in my previous post! Dumps from August 2015 are all on-line right now! Many thanks to WikiTeam at Simply search for “Orain subject:wikiteam” and you can find all of the dumps. Of course you can add the name of you wiki to…

By addshore November 3, 2015 3