mediawiki-api-base 2.0.0

December 18, 2015 1 By addshore

Roughly a year and a half ago I started writing a collection of PHP libraries to make interaction with the Mediawiki API and extension APIs super easy. The base library has just made it to 2.0.0!

The new release really only uses the new version of the Guzzle HTTP library which makes use of PSR-7 and adds async get and post methods using the Guzzle promise library.

This library is the first of the addwiki collection that has actually reached 1.0.0 let alone 2.0.0! All of the other libraries, including wikibase-api and mediawiki-api are still a work in progress with lots to be added. The next likely to be released will be the wikibase-api library once I try to also add async functionality there!

A snippet of the async functionality added in mediawiki-api-base can be seen below:

// Get an API object and login
$api = MediawikiApi::newFromPage( '' );
$api->login( new ApiUser( 'username', 'password' ) );

// Initiate each request but do not block
$requestPromises = array(
    'Page1' => $api->postRequest( FluentRequest::factory()->setAction( 'purge' )->setParam( 'titles', 'Page1' ) ),
    'Page2' => $api->postRequest( FluentRequest::factory()->setAction( 'purge' )->setParam( 'titles', 'Page2' ) ),
    'Page3' => $api->postRequest( FluentRequest::factory()->setAction( 'purge' )->setParam( 'titles', 'Page3' ) ),

// Wait on all of the requests to complete.
$results = Promise\unwrap( $requestPromises );

// You can access each result using the key provided to the unwrap function.
print_r( $results['Page1'], $results['Page2'], $results['Page3'] )