Month: October 2021

addwiki php libraries 3.0.0

Back in 2014 I wrote a small collection of PHP libraries, releasing 2.0.0 of the base library in 2015 for interacting with MediaWiki and Wikibase. My goal back then was to create a stable base that PHP bot frameworks could be built on, while also experimenting with some framework like features in surrounding libraries. And…

By addshore October 23, 2021 0

Developing on Windows, the WSL life

The Windows developer experience has evolved quite allot in the last 5-10 years. I now spend most of my development life running Windows with WSL2 and using Windows Terminal and winget. So here are a few pointers from my experiences so far. WSL (WSL2) WSL2 is what you want! The first version of WSL was…

By addshore October 20, 2021 6

Using with helmfile deployments on minikube

Recently I setup a small development environment for a platform deployed using helmfile, deployed to a GKE cluster in production that is moving towards also having a local setup using minikube. There is an open Github issue requesting helmfile support, so my first fear was that this wouldn’t be possible. Though after a little…

By addshore October 7, 2021 0