Wikidata query service updater evolution
The Wikidata Query Service (WDQS) sits in front of Wikidata and provides access to query its data via a SPARQL API. The query service itself is built on top of Blazegraph, but in many regards is very similar to any other triple store that provides a SPARQL API. In the early days of the query…
Infrastructure as Code for wbstack deployments
For most of its life wbstack was a mostly one-man operation. This certainly sped up the decision making process around features, requests, communication and prioritization, I also had to maintain a complex and young project supporting hundreds of sites on the side of my regular 8 hour day job. In order to ensure that I’d…
WikiCrowd at 50k answers
In January 2022 I published a new Wikimedia tool called WikiCrowd. This tool allows people to answer simple questions to contribute edits to Wikimedia projects such as Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata. It’s designed to be able to deal with a wide variety of questions, but due to time constraints, the extent of the current questions…