A collection of links…
- https://blockchaindemo.io/ - Web based blockchain demo tool
- https://www.jsonstorage.net/ - Free public and private JSON storage behind a simple REST API
- https://wificard.io/ - WiFi card & QR Code generator
- https://crontab.guru/ - A quick and simple editor for cron schedule expressions
- https://dstein64.github.io/gifcast/ - asciinema file to gif in browser
- https://transfer.sh/ - Easy file sharing from the command line
- https://n8n.io/ - Free & Open Extendable workflow automation
- https://notebooksharing.space/ - The fastest way to share your notebooks
- https://canarytokens.org/ - Quick, Free, Detection for the Masses
- https://12ft.io/ - Show me a 10ft paywall, I’ll show you a 12ft ladder
- https://www.duckdns.org/domains - free dynamic DNS hosted on AWS
- https://www.sejda.com/crop-pdf - Crop all pages of a PDF (automatic or manual)
- https://www.dns.toys/ - Useful utilities and services over DNS (weather, conversion etc)
- https://mockbin.io/ - Allows you to quickly mock an API endpoint
- https://httpdump.app/ - Easily inspect incoming HTTP Requests
- https://termbin.com/ - Netcat-based command line pastebin
- https://bashupload.com/ - Bash based temporary file upload bin
- https://3v4l.org/ - Online PHP editor across versions
- https://sed.js.org/ - GNU sed live editor
- https://awk.js.org/ - GNU awk live editor
- https://mholt.github.io/json-to-go/ - Instantly converts JSON into a Go type definition
- https://zhwt.github.io/yaml-to-go/ - Instantly converts YAML into a Go type definition
https://jqplay.org/ -
playground - https://amber-lang.com/ - The Programming Language compiled to Bash.
- https://cidr.xyz/ - Interactive IP address and CIDR range visualizer
- https://asciiflow.com/#/ - Easily create ASCII diagrams online
- https://sourcegraph.com/search - Public code search
- https://curl2url.com/ - Link to curl results
- https://mockae.com/ - Fake APIs using Lua for dynamic response generation
- https://screenshot.guru/ - Takes screenshots for you online
- https://archive.ph/ - My url is alive and I want to archive its content
- https://allourideas.org/ - Wiki Survey, collaboratively sorting ideas
- https://wikidata.metaphacts.com/ - Metaphactory + Wikidata = Ontological tree exploration in diagrams
- https://www.freewordcloudgenerator.com/generatewordcloud - Word cloud generator
- https://deepai.org/machine-learning-model/colorizer - Image colourization API
- https://hackertyper.com/ - Make it look like you are hacking
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gregsramblings/google-cloud-4-words/master/DarkPoster-lowres.png - Google Cloud developer cheat sheet
- https://raould.github.io/pn0gstr0m/ - all the pn0gs are to be str0mmed
http://sshtron.zachlatta.com/ - Try
ssh sshtron.zachlatta.com
- https://windirstat.net/ - disk usage statistics viewer and cleanup tool
- https://getsharex.com/ - Screen capture, file sharing and productivity tool
- https://filebin.net/ - Convenient free file sharing on the web, without registration, for 1 week. (down as of 13th of May 2024)
Maintained on Github at https://github.com/addshore/awesome-links/blob/main/README.md