Wikibase Phrase Entity, Viewing
In my previous post, we got to the point of being able to create a new Wikibase Entity, it is stored in the MediaWiki database as a page, however we can’t actually view it via any interface currently. In this post, we will work through another set of code changes, tackling each issue as we…
Wikimedia Enterprise: A first look
Wikimedia Enterprise is a new (now 1-year-old) service and offered by the Wikimedia Foundation, via Wikimedia, LLC. This is a wholly-owned LLC that provides opt-in services for third-party content reuse, delivered via API services. In essence, this means that Wikimedia Enterprise is an optional product that third parties can choose to use that repackages data from within…
Finding the most liked tweets for a topic in a year
I’m nearly halfway through writing a month of daily blog posts. I wanted to write some posts covering the history of both Wikidata and Wikibase on Twitter. Being a developer, I looked for APIs, but it seems tweets are not as accessible as they once were. This is a short write up of my adventure,…
What happens in Wikibase when you make a new Item?
A recent Wikibase email list post on the topic of Wikibase and bulk imports caused me to write up a mostly human readable version of what happens, in what order, and when, for Wikibase action API edits, for the specific case of item creation. There are a fair few areas that could be improved and…
Using Hue & Hive to quickly determine Wikidata API maxlag usage
Hue, or Hadoop User Experience is described by its documentation pages as “a Web application that enables you to easily interact with an Hadoop cluster”. The Wikimedia Foundation has a Hue frontend for their Hadoop cluster, which contains various datasets including web requests, API usage and the MediaWiki edit history for all hosted sites. The install…
The break in Wikidata edits on 28 Jan 2016
On the 28th of January 2016 all Wikimedia MediaWiki APIs had 2 short outages. The outage is documented on Wikitech here. The outage didn’t have much of an impact on most projects hosted by Wikimedia. However due to most Wikidata editing happening through the API, even when using the UI, the project basically stopped for roughly…
Github release download count – Chrome Extension
GitHub tracks the number of downloads for all assets (files) that are attached to a release, but GitHub currently makes it very hard for users to get at this information. The number of downloads is currently only accessible through the API. I noticed this many months ago when wondering how many people were downloading the new…
Media Hack Day 2014
The Media Hack Day is an annual event held at Axel Springer | Plug & Play Accelerator in Berlin. The event for March 2014 can be found on I attended representing the Wikidata API. Also in attendance were Axel Springer, storyful, Der Spiegel, sanoma, watchmi, Getty Images and It was in a great location, the food and rinks were…