mwcli (a MediaWiki focused command line tool targeting developers) over the years
mcwli includes the third of so generation of “developer environments” that I have made for MediaWiki over the years. You can see the backstory in this earlier post. Since the early days of 2022, there has been optional metric collection included within the mwcli tool. This metric collection simply collects what command you run, and…
Automatic cobra command registration with fx
Cobra is a popular Go package for creating CLIs. It provides a lot of functionality for creating commands, subcommands, and flags. However, it can be tedious to manually register all of your commands. fx is a Go package that provides a dependency injection framework. It can be used to automatically register your application components, including…
dockerit v0.0.5 (Easier than docker run)
dockerit is a small CLI tool that I have been working on during the start of 2021. It’s intended to make running one off commands and CLI tooling easier in docker. Rather than having to write a long string of parameters for docker run, instead you can just use dockerit. This applies to both CLI…
Programmatically convert Github master branch to main
Back in 2020 Github said that the default settings for new repositories would change. On Oct. 1, 2020, any new repositories you create will use main as the default branch, instead of master Some blog post on Medium Github provided some advice for renaming branches focused around how this can be done in the UI.…