Delete all Github releases, using the Github cli
If you are like me, at some point while developing projects on Github you will have started and stopped using releases, opting to switch back to only creating tags. Github defaults leave you in a bit of an awkward position here where the “Releases” section in the side bar will continue to show your old…
Github repo settings sync, using the Github cli
The number of Github repositories that I end up maintaining in one way or another ends up growing week by week. And keeping all of the descriptions and settings up to date in sync can be painful todo by hand. A little while ago I migrated my addwiki project to use a monorepo, and thus…
Programmatically convert Github master branch to main
Back in 2020 Github said that the default settings for new repositories would change. On Oct. 1, 2020, any new repositories you create will use main as the default branch, instead of master Some blog post on Medium Github provided some advice for renaming branches focused around how this can be done in the UI.…