Tag: s3

Wikidata query service Blazegraph JNL file on Cloudflare R2 and Internet Archive

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Your own Wikidata Query Service

At the end of 2022, I published a Blazegraph JNL file for Wikidata in a Google Cloud bucket for 1 month for folks to download and determine if it was useful. Thanks to Arno from weblyzard, inflatador from the WMF search platform team, and Mark from the Internet Archive for the recent conversations around this…

By addshore August 24, 2023 5

Google Cloud Storage upload with s3cmd

I recently had to upload a large (1TB) file from a Wikimedia server into a Google Cloud Storage bucket. gsutil was not available to me, but s3cmd was. So here is a little how to post for uploading to a Google Cloud Storage bucket using the S3 API and s3cmd. S3cmd is a free command line…

By addshore September 7, 2022 1