Smart Home: 1.5 years of Aqara Temperature and Humidity Sensors
As one of the initial steps in my smart home journey back in November 2023, I purchased a set of 12 Aqara Temperature and Humidity Sensors for £101 (approximately £8 each) from Aliexpress. Today, this same set is available for around £89, or £7.40 each. This was the start of my Zigbee experiments, and you…
Smart Home: Automated zonal lights with Aqara FP2, Samotech Zigbee Dimmers, and Node-Red
At some point in 2024 I bought an Aqara FP2 human presence sensor to try and automate the lights in my main open-plan living space. I have been running the installation for nearly a year, now have plans for the future and want to take this opportunity to do a quick write-up on how I…
Smart Home: A fleet of Temperature and Humidity Sensors
One of the easiest ways to get myself into the Zigbee life without needing to worry too much about exactly what I was doing, buying or what my goals were was to buy a set of Temperature and Humidity Sensors for every room of the house. After a tiny amount of research and some discussion…
Smart home: Starting with OPNSense Router, Eero Wi-Fi and a pile of cables
I recently moved into a home, that whether I like it or note, is rather “smart”. There is a Ring video doorbell, Ring camera out the back and Wi-Fi radiators throughout, not to mention the Wi-Fi fridge, dishwasher, washing machine, hot water tank and Amazon Echo Dot that I was recently gifted. In total, I…