Wikidata query service Blazegraph JNL file on Cloudflare R2 and Internet Archive
At the end of 2022, I published a Blazegraph JNL file for Wikidata in a Google Cloud bucket for 1 month for folks to download and determine if it was useful. Thanks to Arno from weblyzard, inflatador from the WMF search platform team, and Mark from the Internet Archive for the recent conversations around this…
A first Wikidata query service JNL file for public use
Back in 2019 I wrote a blog post called Your own Wikidata Query Service, with no limits which documented loading a Wikidata TTL dump into your own Blazegraph instance running within Google cloud, a near 2 week process. I ended that post speculating that part 2 might be using a “pre-generated Blazegraph journal file to…
Tech Lead Digest – Q3/4 2021
It’s time for the 5th instalment of my tech lead digest posts. I switched to monthly for 2 months, but decided to back down to quarterlyish. You can find the other digests by checking out the series. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑Wikidata & Wikibase The biggest event of note in the past months was WikidataCon 2021 which took place…
Testing WDQS Blazegraph data load performance
Toward the end of 2020 I spent some time blackbox testing data load times for WDQS and Blazegraph to try and find out which possible setting tweaks might make things faster. I didn’t come to any major conclusions as part of this effort but will write up the approach and data nonetheless incase it is…
Faster munging for the Wikidata Query Service using Hadoop
The Wikidata query service is a public SPARQL endpoint for querying all of the data contained within Wikidata. In a previous blog post I walked through how to set up a complete copy of this query service. One of the steps in this process is the munge step. This performs some pre-processing on the RDF…
Changing the concept URI of an existing Wikibase with data
Many users of Wikibase find themselves in a position where they need to change the concept URI of an existing Wikibase for one or more reasons, such as a domain name update or desire to have https concept URIs instead of HTTP. Below I walk through a minimal example of how this can be done…
Your own Wikidata Query Service, with no limits
The Wikidata Query Service allows anyone to use SPARQL to query the continuously evolving data contained within the Wikidata project, currently standing at nearly 65 millions data items (concepts) and over 7000 properties, which translates to roughly 8.4 billion triples. You can find a great write up introducing SPARQL, Wikidata, the query service and what…
Wikibase docker images
This is a belated post about the Wikibase docker images that I recently created for the Wikidata 5th birthday. You can find the various images on docker hub and matching Dockerfiles on github. These images combined allow you to quickly create docker containers for Wikibase backed by MySQL and with a SPARQL query service running…
Wikidata Map October 2016
I has been another 5 months since my last post about the Wikidata maps, and again some areas of the world have lit up. Since my last post at least 9 noticeable areas have appeared with many new items containing coordinate locations. These include Afghanistan, Angola, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Burundi, Lebanon, Lithuania, Macedonia, South Sudan and Syria.…
Geospatial search for Wikidata Query Service
Geospatial search is up and running for the Wikidata Query Service! This allows you to search for items with coordinates that are located within a certain radius or within a bounding box. Along side the the map that can be used to display results for the query service this really is a great tool for…