Category: Tech

Avoid image indexing in robots.txt

People might not want images from their websites to be indexed in online searches for several reasons. I have no problem with images from this blog appearing in search engines but recently wanted to add some protection against usage/indexing for another site. I did some thinking and research here. Search engines have some help pages…

By addshore April 8, 2023 0

What is Wikibase Cloud (According to Bard)

This is the third in a series of posts where I ask language models, or modern conversational chat bots the question “what is wikibase cloud” to generally see the way they like to answer, and be able to make some sort of comparison of them. The previous posts were for Chat GPT and Bing, but…

By addshore March 24, 2023 0

Asking Bing Chat AI to reference Wikidata

I previously compared Chat GPT and the Bing chat AI when it came to the question of “What is Wikibase Cloud”. This comparison and further discussion highlighted problems with using Chat GPT alone. It seems to like inventing URLs that look right but have never existed, as it primarily wants to have a good conversation.…

By addshore March 14, 2023 1

What is Wikibase Cloud (according to ChatGPT)

In this post, I’ll be asking ChatGPT a bunch of questions about Wikibase Cloud. mainly to see how accurate it manages to be, and how helpful the information is. Messages to Chat GPT will be in bold, things that are wrong, in red, and things that are right in green. Firstly, “What is Chat GPT?“…

By addshore March 4, 2023 3

Wikimedia Enterprise: A first look

Wikimedia Enterprise is a new (now 1-year-old) service and offered by the Wikimedia Foundation, via Wikimedia, LLC. This is a wholly-owned LLC that provides opt-in services for third-party content reuse, delivered via API services. In essence, this means that Wikimedia Enterprise is an optional product that third parties can choose to use that repackages data from within…

By addshore October 24, 2022 0

Jetbrains Fleet & WSL: First impressions

It’s no secret that I develop using Windows and WSL. For the past few years, I have also primarily used VSCode as my go-to development environment. Between 2012 and 2018 I mainly used Jetbrains IntellijJ IDEA, but I found the speed of VSCode (launched in 2015), along with the modern design and vibrate plugin ecosystem,…

By addshore October 14, 2022 2

Google Cloud Storage upload with s3cmd

I recently had to upload a large (1TB) file from a Wikimedia server into a Google Cloud Storage bucket. gsutil was not available to me, but s3cmd was. So here is a little how to post for uploading to a Google Cloud Storage bucket using the S3 API and s3cmd. S3cmd is a free command line…

By addshore September 7, 2022 1