Smart Home: A fleet of Temperature and Humidity Sensors
One of the easiest ways to get myself into the Zigbee life without needing to worry too much about exactly what I was doing, buying or what my goals were was to buy a set of Temperature and Humidity Sensors for every room of the house. After a tiny amount of research and some discussion…
Wikidata user and project talk page connection graph
Talk pages are a pretty key part of how wikis have worked over the years. Realtime chat apps and services are probably changing this dynamic somewhat, but they are still used, and also most of the history of these pages is still recorded. I started up an IPython Notebook to try and take a look…
Language usage on Wikidata
Wikidata is a multilingual project, but due to the size of the project it is hard to get a view on the usage of languages. For some time now the Wikidata dashboards have existed on the Wikimedia grafana install. These dashboards contain data about the language content of the data model by looking at terms (labels, descriptions…
The break in Wikidata edits on 28 Jan 2016
On the 28th of January 2016 all Wikimedia MediaWiki APIs had 2 short outages. The outage is documented on Wikitech here. The outage didn’t have much of an impact on most projects hosted by Wikimedia. However due to most Wikidata editing happening through the API, even when using the UI, the project basically stopped for roughly…