COVID-19 Wikipedia pageview spikes, 2019-2022
Back in 2019 at the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, Wikipedia saw large spikes in page views on COVID-19 related topics while people here hunting for information. I briefly looked at some of the spikes in March 2020 using the easy-to-use pageview tool for Wikimedia sites. But the problem with viewing the spikes through this…
See all Windows 11 network data usage
Windows 11 (and possibly previous versions of windows) have a data usage view built into the advanced network settings view. This feature allows users to monitor and manage their data usage on both Wi-Fi and wired connections, and I assume also data connections if your device can be connected via a SIM. The Data usage…
If you have a sandwich and cut it in half, do you have one or two sandwiches
A few years ago, I asked a similarly silly question about lasagne to a group of people I know and summarized their responses. This time I’m bored on a coach, so asked 30–40 people the question “If you have a sandwich and cut it in half, do you have one or two sandwiches”. In this…