Minecraft Java mod using Bukkit / Spigot
I have owned Minecraft Java for several years, but despite being a software developer, I have never looked into creating a mod, until now! This is certainly a different topic compared with my regular blog posts, but as always, I hope it will help someone somewhere. I stumbled upon a video by one of the…
Browser extension to clear your Facebook advert interests
At the end of 2018, I wrote a blog post that included some JavaScript code to quickly remove all of your Facebook advert interests from this settings page. This has started to become one of my more popular posts and so I decided to take another pass at the project and convert the code into…
mediawiki-docker-dev v1 rewrite
Back in 2017 at the Wikimedia Hackathon, I played around with Docker and docker-compose in relation to MediaWiki and testing with multiple setups at once while developing, meaning multiple PHP versions, web servers and databases. My original slides can still be found here. Since then mediawiki-docker-dev evolved into less of a testing system and more…
Adding git bash to Windows terminal
I just saw a tweet saying that Windows terminal is now generally available, so I had to give it a try. After downloading from the store and booting up I realized that only powershell, cmd and wsl are listed by default (and also Azure which I don’t really care about). Clicking around the UI a…
Reducing Java JVM memory usage in Containers and on Kubernetes
For a while I have been running a Wikibase query service update script for WBStack, which is a Java application on a Kubernetes cluster. Part of that journey has included the updater using all available memory, hitting into the kubernetes memory limit and being OOM killed. The title of the post is a little verbose,…
WBStack 2020 Update 2 (May)
WBStack is now in its 7th month with 76 user accounts who have created 226 MediaWiki sites running Wikibase, of which 145 are currently online (81 deleted sites). 295,000 edits have now been made in total, which is an increase of 95,000 in the last month, which roughly equates to 2 edits a minute for…