Tag: google cloud

Google Cloud Storage upload with s3cmd

I recently had to upload a large (1TB) file from a Wikimedia server into a Google Cloud Storage bucket. gsutil was not available to me, but s3cmd was. So here is a little how to post for uploading to a Google Cloud Storage bucket using the S3 API and s3cmd. S3cmd is a free command line…

By addshore September 7, 2022 1

WBStack Infrastructure

This entry is part 7 of 12 in the series WBStack

WBStack is a platform allowing shared scalable hosting of Wikibase and surrounding services. A year ago I made an initial post covering the state of WBStack infrastructure. Since then some things have changed, and I have also had more time to create a clear diagram. So it is time for the 2021 edition. WBStack currently…

By addshore April 29, 2021 4

Testing WDQS Blazegraph data load performance

Toward the end of 2020 I spent some time blackbox testing data load times for WDQS and Blazegraph to try and find out which possible setting tweaks might make things faster. I didn’t come to any major conclusions as part of this effort but will write up the approach and data nonetheless incase it is…

By addshore February 10, 2021 1

WBStack Infrastructure (2020)

This entry is part 3 of 12 in the series WBStack

UPDATE: You can find an up to date 2021 version of this post here. WBStack currently runs on a Google Cloud Kubernetes cluster made up of 2 virtual machines, one e2-medium and one e2-standard-2. This adds up to a current total of 4 vCPUs and 12GB of memory. No Google specific services make up any…

By addshore January 25, 2020 10

Your own Wikidata Query Service, with no limits

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Your own Wikidata Query Service

The Wikidata Query Service allows anyone to use SPARQL to query the continuously evolving data contained within the Wikidata project, currently standing at nearly 65 millions data items (concepts) and over 7000 properties, which translates to roughly 8.4 billion triples. You can find a great write up introducing SPARQL, Wikidata, the query service and what…

By addshore October 23, 2019 16