Wikibase Repository development environment (mwcli)
Back in 2022, while working at Wikimedia Germany, I ran two sessions with people from the Wikibase Stakeholder Group, focused on Ecosystem Enablement. These sessions were video recorded and documented in quite a lot of detail, but following through with the videos would probably lead to a bit of a drawn out experience, as they…
Lexeme and MediaInfo, implementing EntityDocument
As we continue the journey, looking at Entity and EntityDocument within Wikibase, another useful thing to look at are the third and fourth widely used (at least within the Wikimedia space) entity types for Wikibase. Both of these entity types make use of the EntityDocument, with none of the old assumptions baked into the Entity…
Wikibase, from Entity to EntityDocument
The term document has already come up a few times while discussing what a Wikibase entity is, and if that should change (be that in name only, code or structures), including in my first post of this series. Looking at the very first definition of entity in the duck duck go search that I performed…