Tag: wikibase

Testing WDQS Blazegraph data load performance

Toward the end of 2020 I spent some time blackbox testing data load times for WDQS and Blazegraph to try and find out which possible setting tweaks might make things faster. I didn’t come to any major conclusions as part of this effort but will write up the approach and data nonetheless incase it is…

By addshore February 10, 2021 1

WBStack 2020 Update 2 (May)

This entry is part 5 of 12 in the series WBStack

WBStack is now in its 7th month with 76 user accounts who have created 226 MediaWiki sites running Wikibase, of which 145 are currently online (81 deleted sites). 295,000 edits have now been made in total, which is an increase of 95,000 in the last month, which roughly equates to 2 edits a minute for…

By addshore May 17, 2020 1

WBStack 2020 Update 1

This entry is part 4 of 12 in the series WBStack

WBStack has now been up and running for 6 months. During that time it has helped 70 people create 178 MediaWiki installs running Wikibase, a SPARQL query service and quickstatements, all at the click of a button, with a total of around 200,000 edits across all sites. The most active site is currently virus-taxonomy.wiki.opencura.com which…

By addshore April 19, 2020 1

WBStack Infrastructure (2020)

This entry is part 3 of 12 in the series WBStack

UPDATE: You can find an up to date 2021 version of this post here. WBStack currently runs on a Google Cloud Kubernetes cluster made up of 2 virtual machines, one e2-medium and one e2-standard-2. This adds up to a current total of 4 vCPUs and 12GB of memory. No Google specific services make up any…

By addshore January 25, 2020 10

WBStack – November review

This entry is part 2 of 12 in the series WBStack

It’s been roughly 1 month since WBStack appeared online, and it’s time for a quick review of what has been happening in the first month. If you don’t already know what WBStack is, then head to my introduction post. The number of users and wikis has slowly been increasing. In my last post I stated…

By addshore November 27, 2019 3

An introduction to WBStack

This entry is part 1 of 12 in the series WBStack

WBStack is a project that I have been working on for a couple of years that finally saw the light of day at Wikidatacon 2019. It has gone through a couple of different names along the way, MWaas, WBaas, WikWiki, OpenCura and finally WBStack. The idea behind the project is to provide Wikibase and surrounding…

By addshore November 6, 2019 7

Creating a Dockerfile for the Wikibase Registry

Currently the Wikibase Registry(setup post) is deployed using the shoehorning approach described in one of my earlier posts. After continued discussion on the Wikibase User Group Telegram chat about different setups and upgrade woes I have decided to convert the Wikibase Registry to use the prefered approach of a custom Dockerfile building a layer on top…

By addshore February 7, 2019 1

wikibase-docker, Mediawiki & Wikibase update

Today on the Wikibase Community User Group Telegram chat I noticed some people discussing issues with upgrading Mediawiki and Wikibase using the docker images provided for Wikibase. As the wikibase-registry is currently only running Mediawiki 1.30 I should probably update it to 1.31, which is the next long term stable release. This blog post was…

By addshore January 29, 2019 2

Wikibase extensions on Wikidata.org

Wikidata.org runs on MediaWiki with the Wikibase extension. But there is more to it than just that. The Wikibase extension itself is split into 3 different sections, being Lib, Repo and Client. There are also 6 other extensions all providing extra functionality to the site and it’s sisters. The extensions are also loaded on a…

By addshore September 20, 2018 0